Earshot! Jovino Santos Neto and Jazz Band I

Director Scott Brown and Jazz Band I have the honor of playing in this year’s Earshot Jazz Festival with Earshot Resident Artist Jovino Santos Neto. You’re not going to want to miss this one! Tickets are on sale now at the
Earshot Festival website.

While you’re at it, check out the rest of the Earshot Festival schedule. Alas, Kamasi Washington has already sold out but there’s a lot more great music to hear. Get out there!

2018-19 Tentative Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal Schedules and More!

We’re all wishing for another month of summer but alas, September is fast upon us. Some of us might prefer to bury our heads in the sand and ignore the inevitable, but others are likely starting to feel the need to get organized, make lists, stock up on supplies, and fill in calendars. For you, the organizers, we have some tentative jazz ensemble rehearsal schedules, a program-wide calendar full of tentative dates, a list of open jazz boosters volunteer positions, performance attire details, the Roosevelt Jazz Code of Conduct and more.

2018-2019 Ensemble Placements

Regarding Roosevelt Jazz Auditions…

We want to sincerely thank ALL of the students who auditioned for Roosevelt Jazz ensembles. We had a RECORD turnout of players and singers!

For those of you who were not placed in an ensemble… KEEP PLAYING! We encourage you to participate in our monthly JAM SESSIONS at the Stone Way Café. We are also hoping to start a combo-type workshop to help players develop their skills, especially in the area of jazz improvisation and small group playing.

For those of you who did not “get” the ensemble you wanted… work hard and be a dedicated, positive and motivated member of the band you’re in! Some of you indicated only one choice for ensemble placements; we took you at your word. In the case of two players who were very close in skill-level, we used seniority as a tie-breaker. We also did our best to create strong sections in all of our bands (we need trombones!).

Many of our players demonstrated strong technical facility on their instruments, but TONE PRODUCTION and the ABILITY TO SWING are areas that need much improvement. Even some of our most advanced players are still not really swinging. PITCH ACCURACY is tremendously important; way too many players played incorrect or out of tune notes on the required piece…take care of business!

It is truly thrilling for us to have so many students at our school who want to play Jazz! It’s up to you to really dig-in and become immersed in jazz music… no matter what ensemble you are placed in.

Work hard, LISTEN, practice, take lessons, attend jazz camps, go to jams and have a fantastic summer!

Go Riders!
-Brown, Taylor, Kent, Van Bebber

Roosevelt Jazz Band, 2018-19

Elias Sullivan, alto 1
Elliot Hughes, alto 2
George Fulton, tenor 1
James Pettis, tenor 2
Nick Altemeier, baritone

Will Knight
Carter Eng
Colin Brace
Rei Ichikawa

Elise Toney
Zach Sahlin
Nick Mesler
Alexis Kim
Toby Jay, bass trombone

Rhythm Section
Aaron Korver, piano
Nate Mesler, vibes
Max Young, bass
Henry Mohr, drums

Roosevelt Vocal Jazz Rhythm Section, 2018-19

Quinn Wedemeyer, piano
Faye Alesse, guitar
Dylan Wilson, bass
Grace Kaste, bass
Ethan Bovey, drums
Emma Usui-Villareal, drums

Roosevelt Jazz Band TWO, 2018-19

Rachel Nolander, alto
Maria Mann, alto
Sydney Colescott, alto
Em Spencer, tenor
Owen Gwinn, tenor
Olivia Sayres, tenor/clar.
Calvin Rey, baritone

Henry Roller
Sylvie Kromer
Hans Faul
Daniel Khastou
Daniel Kuizon

Parker Casazza
Daniel Matsumoto
Bergen Sorby
Ryan Tyndall, bass trombone

Rhythm Section
Kai Medina, piano
Kohl Hebert, piano
Maco Dacanay, guitar
Palmer (P.J.) McDaniel, bass
Anna Thielke, bass
Finn Greeley, drums
Aidan Shapero, drums

Roosevelt Jazz Band THREE, 2018-19

Nicholas Araya-Bain, alto
Annalise Bledsoe, alto
Ellie Buchanan, baritone
Eli Corey, tenor
Abigail Glowney, alto
Jackson Jewett, alto
Julia Martin, tenor
Myles Mawa, tenor
Griffin Sanders, tenor

Lucas DiGuiseppe
Javier Gonzales
Nathan Reudink
Grady Spors
Devlin Swanson

Aaron Kim
Thatcher Sexton
Sean Walsh
(need a 4th or bass trombone)
We would like all JB3 trombones to also play with JB4, until we can hopefully fill-out the section in JB4.

Rhythm Section
Theo Shouse, piano
Vlad Andral, piano
Jacob Gronquist, guitar
Markus Teuton, guitar
Alejandro Roca, bass
Nolan Wilson, bass
Theo Pleasure-Park, drums and vibes
Soloman Kruger, drums
Alberto Ariolla, drums (also plays piano)

Roosevelt Jazz Band FOUR, 2018-19

Ryan Boyle, tenor
Alden Cantara, tenor
Brooke Lambert, alto/flute
Cameron Moskito, tenor
Liam Randell, baritone
Noah Reudink, alto
Jack Uraine, tenor

Holden Abramonte
Joseph Matsumoto
Sam Phippen
Matthew Yoder

Where are the Eckstein bones?

Rhythm Section
Will Hoing, piano
Cameron Moskito (double on piano)
Ellis Andral, guitar
Grace Molinaro, guitar
Audrey Hughes, bass
Miles Miller, bass
Aiden Hunter, drums
Tristan Lockert, drums
Rasa Yaghmaie, drums (also plays piano)

Vocal Jazz 2018-2019: Welcome, New Vocalists!

Listed below are the vocalists selected for Roosevelt Vocal Jazz 2018-2019. Rhythm section placements will be announced at a later date; please stay tuned.

If you have not yet done so, please complete the online jazz audition information form as soon as possible. We use this information to create rosters and to contact families about important jazz information, including field trips and festivals. We don’t want you to be left out! Thank you.

If for any reason you can no longer commit to Vocal Jazz, please let Dr. Kent know immediately ([email protected]). Remember, Vocal Jazz class takes place zeroth period (before school). All Vocal Jazz students also need to register for Concert Choir or another concert ensemble.

Sofia Araya Bain
Tarisai Bvumbi
Cameron Cohen
Mia Garnett
Pallas Garvey
Tessa Korver
Brooke Lambert
Emerson Lang
Serafina Miller
Sahil Novetcke
Desmond Pardo
Harrison Sherwood
Sophie Stetkiewicz
Azalea Teuton
Markus Teuton
Ezra Weigel
Sylvia Zerba

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who auditioned!

Audition Information

Information about auditions for all 2018-2019 Roosevelt Jazz ensembles is now available on our auditions page. Auditions take place June 4th through June 10th. Please read through all the information carefully for details on when and where your audition will take place, and what you’ll need to do to prepare. We look forward to hearing you swing!